Register to Play Sapphire Springs: Blue Beginnings
Sapphire Springs: Blue Beginnings
January 3, 2024
9:30am MST/11:30am EST — 12pm MST/2pm EST

An online and in-person Role Playing Game, dedicated to speculative water futures hosted by the science storytelling collective Talk to Me About Water members: Tristan and Amelia Winger-Bearskin.

This game experience is hosted as part of Worlds in Play, a five-day gathering of play practitioners—game and theatre artists—exploring new forms of agency in storytelling and experience.

Please register using this form to remotely/digitally join Sapphire Springs: Blue Beginnings. Space is very limited—register now and please let us know by writing us at if you are no longer able to make it.

***In-person Worlds in Play attendees will be able to join the game on-site at MIX Center on Jan 5. If you will be attending Worlds in Play in-person, please do not register using this form. You can simply show up day of—more instructions will be provided on-site.
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