Book interview form
My name is Rhaina Cohen, and I'm a journalist working on a book about people whose life is centered around a friendship—friends who've built a life together, maybe live together or take care of each other. If you'd like to be interviewed for the book, I'd appreciate if you'd answer a few questions below. Most people aren't even aware that such committed friendships exist, so your story could help readers understand what it looks like to have one.

*I'm interested in hearing from you even if the friendship isn't active. I'm eager to talk to people who no longer have this type of friendship because the friendship faded, broke apart, or one friend passed away.

If you're not quite sure what type of friendship I'm referring to, you can read about a few examples here:

Thanks so much!
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Email address *
Name *
Where do you live? (City/state/country)
Tell me about the friendship you have (or had). What about the friendship makes it feel unusually close? Have you faced any challenges together? Feel free to go into detail—the more I can get a sense of the friendship, the better. *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
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