Donation and Book Order Form
Joyful Child–Healthy Family Program (JCHF)

JCHF Program is a community international action project through donating books and funding to charities by JaoJao. Save The Children and Broxtowe Women's Project are cooperating parties. We donate to charities by love and compassion. We aim to protect and provide safe space for traumatised children in domestic abuse, and empower wounded adults.

About JaoJao Organisation

Relax and calm, mean JaoJao in Cantonese. We believe in peace world must through a sustainable, conscious and oneness business. Our card reading service and sound bath healing treatment can release your confusion and trauma.


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The Heart of a Gingerbread Girl Book
About this Book
The Heart of a Gingerbread Girl is a fairytale adventure and domestic abuse survival
story. This story background is based on a modern village in Christmas, about Mapple, a
gingerbread girl who is experiencing domestic abuse from her father and partner. 

How was Mapple feelings and how did she CHOSE to respond? You may discover your inner
empowerment, self-love methods and the power of forgiveness through reading my
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