AITP'22 Information
Mailadresse *
Name *
Food preference *
I want to share a room with (for those who share)
Planned arrival and departure dates and times - say if to/from Modane or Aussois. *
Bus Modane->Aussois at 19:15 on Sunday, September 4th *
Interested in sharing a taxi from Modane to Aussois (give a date, time range, other notes)
Interested in sharing a taxi from Aussois to Modane (give a date, time range, other notes)
I would like to be (partially) reimbursed by EUProofNet (for EU-based participants only)
Ryd markering
En kopi af dine svar sendes som mail til den mailadresse, du har angivet.
Ryd formular
Indsend aldrig adgangskoder via Google Analyse.
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