AFP Fort Worth Metro 2023 Survey
As we move into 2024, we want to ensure we're offering professional development opportunities that interest our community and gauge the impact we have on our members and program attendees. Please take a few minutes to give us your input and feedback. This survey is anonymous.
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I am:
Please choose all that apply.
For 2024 programs, the following program topics interest me: (select all that apply)
Please check any topics you would attend. Check other to submit topic requests.
Topic requests for I.D.E.A. programming:
AFP Fort Worth is committed to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access. What specific topics would help you be better as a fundraiser and/or leader at your organization?
Speaker Requests:
Tell us who you want to hear from in our community.
Would you be willing to join us for a breakfast program?
Please rate the impact of the AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter on your professional development:
No impact at all
Extremely impactful
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Tell us more! Please elaborate on the impact to your professional development.
Please rate your overall experience with the AFP Fort Worth Metro chapter:
Mostly negative
Mostly positive
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Please share your thoughts about what has contributed to your overall experience in our chapter.
What can the AFP Fort Worth Metro chapter do better for you and/or other fundraising professionals?
Anything else you would like us to know?
If you're willing to share your experience with the chapter Historian for the purpose of collecting and compiling member experiences, please give your name and preferred contact information. 
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