Crosscreek Feedback (Feb 2022)
This form can be anonymous or you can put your name on the end of it. There are 10 questions :)
The leadership team and elders will be looking over this information together.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
1. How long have you been interacting with Crosscreek?
2. In what ways do you usually engage with Crosscreek? (mark all that apply)
More about how you interact with Crosscreek...
3. How often do you watch the Episodes?
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Episode Comments-- Why you do/don't watch, what you appreciate, what you would change:
4. How often do you attend Gatherings?
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Gathering Comments-- Why you do/don't attend, what you appreciate, what you would change:
5. How often do you attend your Connect Group?
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Connect Group Comments-- Why you do/don't, what you appreciate, what you would change:
6. Are you in an Alliance?
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Alliance Comments-- Why the above, what you appreciate, what you would change:
7. Do you give to Crosscreek financially? Why or why not?
8. My relationship with God and others has grown in the last year.
Not at all
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9. Factors positively influencing this growth: (check all that apply)
Personal Growth Comments: (optional)
10. Anything else that you want to add goes here:
Thank you!
If you'd like to us to follow up with any of your comments, this is the place for that. Otherwise you're done and this can remain anonymous.
Follow up with me, please! Here is my NAME and CONTACT INFO: (optional)
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