Adoption Contract
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Date of Adoption
Pet’s Name
Pet’s Breed
Pet’s Age
Pet Type
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Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip
Your Phone Number
Alternate Phone
Email Address
Your Age
Statement of Adoption: I acknowledge receipt from the Cottonwood County
Animal Rescue of the pet described above. I accept the pet with the following
understanding:Please initial each statement.
1. I agree to care for this animal in a responsible, loving manner. This pet will
be cared for by me or someone I reside with, and will be retained by me.
If a situation should arise where I cannot keep the animal at my home,
I will not give it to a third party, but will instead return it to CCAR. I further
agree that the CCAR can retrieve said pet listed if any terms of this
agreement are not met.
2. Should you decide that you are unable to provide care for the pet within
thirty (30) days after the adoption, the fee paid will be refunded in full.
3. If at any time I desire to relinquish the pet or CCAR demands its return, for
any reason, I agree to immediately return the animal to CCAR, making no
charge of any kind for licensing, care, food, medical fees, or other services.
4. I agree to provide this animal with proper boundaries, shelter, food, water,
veterinary care, current identification and loving humane treatment at all times.
I agree to allow CCAR the right to see the animal at any time.
5. I agree that I will bring no claim or action against CCAR, or its board and
volunteers, for any reason and I accept full responsibility and its actions.
6. CCAR makes no claim as to the mental or physical condition or behavior of
this animal. I accept all medical responsibility for this pet’s care on and after
the date of this contract.
7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION for CAT adoptions: If you have other cats you
may want to have the cat tested for Feline Leukemia, FIV and /or FIP.
What is the Applicants age?
I have read and understand this contract and agree to be legally bound by its
provisions. Failure to abide by these terms can result in the CCAR retrieving
the animal, with or without legal process.

I agree that the above information is correct. Please type your signature here.

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