As the upcoming elections approach, we are launching a campaign to help first-time voters like you make informed decisions at the polls.

We invite you to participate in a special group of first-time voters who will participate in a unique learning experience. Here’s what to expect:

  • Engaging Discussion: Share your thoughts, questions, and understanding of the Philippine elections with other first-time voters.
  • Exclusive Video Viewing: Watch Probe’s specially curated election series videos to gain deeper insights into the voting process and its impact.
  • Post-Session Interview or Test: Assess how the information from the videos has influenced your knowledge, attitudes, and perspective on elections.
  • Community Engagement: Your participation will contribute to a larger conversation as we track how people interact with our content across different platforms.
This is a great opportunity to equip yourself with knowledge and become a more confident voter.

Your voice and experience matter, and we would love for you to be part of this initiative.

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