Puppy Application
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Phone number *
Physical address (City or Zip is okay) *
What size would you like your puppy to be full grown? *
What breed are you interested in? *
What gender are you interested in? *
I understand that all puppies are sold on a spay/neuter contract. Unless otherwise discussed. *
When will you be ready to bring a puppy home? *
I understand that a $300 reservation fee will be required to be placed on the waiting list. *
I am aware that puppies can have certain common ailments upon coming home. Urinary tract infections, parasites, ear infections and allergy issues are all common. While Sweet Pea Bernedoodles routinely deworms and is on the look out for UTI's and ear infections, sometimes the stress of leaving us causes things to flare. It will be my responsibility to treat and care for my new puppy. *
How did you hear about Sweet Pea Bernedoodles? *
Any questions or comments?
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