HH Sports Coaching Holiday Multi-Sports Camp at King Edward Primary School (Ages 7-11)
HH Sports Coaching are hosting an October half term Multi-Sports camp at King Edward Primary School on:

Monday 25th October 2021
Tuesday 26th October 2021
Wednesday 27th October 2021


King Edward Primary School, Preston Avenue, North Shields, NE30 2BD

This camp will cover various sports including Football, Tennis, Hockey, Cricket and more sports/mini games and activities.

Sessions start at 10am and finish at 3pm.
Price: £15 per day - Once you have completed this form you will receive an email off hhsportscoaching@gmail.com confirming your child(ren)'s place, once this is confirmed payment can then be made for your booking(s).

Payment can be made via bank transfer to:
Name to enter when paying: HH Sports Coaching Sort Code: 09-01-29 Account Number 59704050 Select business account.

Certificates and prizes to be won.

Children will need a packed lunch, water bottle, waterproof coat and suitable trainers for both in and outdoors if possible.

We are DBS checked, fully insured, North Tyneside Council Approved and Covid safe.

If you would like any further information please contact Harry Hoggins: Mobile: 07369269778    Email: hhsportscoaching@gmail.com

As spaces are limited, we recommend you complete the form as soon as possible to secure your child's place.

Please read the booking terms and conditions before you book your child(ren) for the camp, when you complete the form below you are accepting these terms of booking.  Please click: https://bit.ly/3CaY922

If you would like to book your child on any of the sessions please complete the online form below..
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full name of child: *
Parent/guardian Name: *
Parent/guardian contact telephone number on the day of the camp *
Please indicate which Club you would like to book for your child(ren):
I give permission for my child to be photographed/recorded for HH Sports Coaching Facebook page: *
My child will be collected after the camp by: *
Please list everyone on each day your child is booked in for.
Medical Information/Allergies:
Please include any medical conditions or allergies below.
Any other information the coach will need to know on the day of the camp:
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