AARO Spring 2025 Virtual Conference

Cancellation Policy: When requested in writing, a refund of the registration fee will be made up to Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Refunds requested after this date will only be approved in strict accordance with the AARO Cancellation/Refund policy. 

Note: Individuals who attend the virtual conference will receive a $100 credit towards the Fall Conference in Atlanta, GA (Buckhead).  The $100 credit is not transferrable and only applies to the individual in attendance at the virtual conference and the Fall 2025 Conference.  

Volume DiscountAn AARO member jurisdiction (state regulatory body) shall be eligible for a 30% discount registration fee rate for sending 11 or more attendees to the AARO Conference. The first 10 attendees will be at regular rates and beginning with the 11th attendee, there will be a 30% discount. Please send a quote request identifying the individual names and total number of attendees from your jurisdiction to brandy.march@aaro.net in order to receive the proper rate and an electronic invoice. 

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