Jackbox Games
Event Date: January 9, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM PST
Location: Zoom link will be emailed to registrants

Check your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Jackbox+Games&iso=20210109T11&p1=256&ah=1&am=30

Jackbox games are party video games played using smartphones and tablets as controllers. To play, you need a phone or tablet with internet connection to use as your controller. When we start a game, you’ll be given a unique room code on screen. Just pull up Jackbox.tv on your device’s web browser and enter the room code to play along. For the best experience, we recommend you use Google Chrome.
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Cancellation Policy
A Columbia College student that has signed up for an activity may cancel provided that a minimum of 24-hours' notice is given. You can notify Student Life by contacting Zerlinda directly via Teams or email. Late cancellations or no-shows may affect your participation in future activities.

Due to the pandemic, we have waived the Student Activity Fee ($30/semester) for all students and we are not collecting payment for any activities. This cancellation policy ensures equal opportunity for all students to participate. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
I acknowledge and agree to the cancellation policy. *
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