Corporate Digital Responsibility & Digital Ethics - Quick Check
Only 5 minutes to determine the degree of maturity of Digital Ethics in your company.

Dear user,

Thank you for your interest in Corporate Digital Responsibility & Digital Ethics. It will only take you up to 5 minutes to answer the questionnaire. The information provided will be used by the PwC GmbH Digital Responsibility & Ethics team to analyse the degree of maturity of your company in regards to Digital Ethics & Responsibility. We will timely share the results with you via e-mail and offer you a session with us for further explanation and discussion.

We will not sell or market your personal data to third parties or pass it on for any other reason.

If you have any questions, please contact our experts from PwC Germany:  

Daniela Hanauer
Mobile: +49 (0) 1511 1720054

With kind regards,
Your PwC GmbH Experts for Digital Responsibility & Ethics Services

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