Kingston Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Stakeholder Survey

About the questions:

The Kingston JSNA Steering Group is in the process of preparing the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Kingston. The JSNA is used to identify any gaps in current services or improvements that could be made in future health service provision in Kingston. In our JSNA, we are looking at conditions and services by different age groups. In this survey, we are asking you to give information about a service/ condition for a specific age group. If you would like to comment on more than one age group or service or condition, please submit a new survey form for each issue.

We would like to hear views from Kingston residents on their experience of support/services for a range of conditions.  

This survey should be completed by those:

  1. who experience one of the conditions listed below
  2. who are responding on behalf of someone, or a group of people (either as a carer or representative/advocate), who experience one of the conditions below.  

Our survey covers the following conditions by age:

For children aged aged 0-4 years: Neonatal disorders, Congenital birth defects, Dermatitis, Lower respiratory infections

For children and young people aged 5-19 years: Headache disorders, Anxiety disorders, Asthma, Depressive disorders, Dermatitis

For people aged 20-69 years: Low back pain, Depressive disorders, Headache disorders, Diabetes mellitus, Ischaemic heart disease

For people aged 70 years and above: Ischaemic heart disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Lower respiratory infections, Diabetes mellitus

The survey is a set of questions that can either be answered online or can be answered by a representative who summarises the experience of others. 

If you would like to respond about more than one condition, please fill out the survey again for each condition.

The survey will close on 6th March 2023

If you need this information in an alternative format (e.g. large print, in another language or an easy read version), please get in touch by email at

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