School in the Fall
Arlington School District is inviting all families to answer survey questions about school in the fall.  This will
help us better understand what families are most concerned about and need, as we continue to work through
the guidance from the state. We remain committed to our goal of having every student return to the building
every day.  Please return as soon as possible. As always, if you have a question or concern please do not
hesitate to contact the district office.  This survey is also going out by USPS.  If you have already completed and returned the paper survey please do not complete this online version.
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
What option below best describes you? choose one *
How would you like our school to communicate with you? select all that apply *
Assuming appropriate safety measures are in place, what is your preference for how your child returns to school in the fall? select one *
If distance learning continues in the fall, what went well in the spring that you would like to see continued? *
If distance learning continues in the fall, what went poorly in the spring that you would like to see improved? *
What concerns do you have with returning to in-person learning? check all that apply *
What would you like to share with Arlington SD not covered above about returning to School in the Fall?
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