Kenner Foundation - Hall of Honour Nomination Form

Kenner Hall of Honour Nomination Guidelines:

Individuals must have gone to Kenner C.V.I. for three years or graduated from Kenner C.V.I. at least fifteen years ago.

Individuals should show success in whatever trade, skill, profession, public service or business activity they have chosen to pursue.

Candidates should represent as many trades, skills, professions, public services or business activities as possible.

Candidates should represent all streams of the education program offered at Kenner.

Candidates should have a significant record of volunteer service to their community.

Candidates can be nominated by any member of the community.

Candidates must indicate their willingness to be accepted into the Hall of Honour. Those selected should provide a 150 word biography for the Wall and an 8" x 10" portrait.

Candidates will be inducted at a dinner immediately preceding the Kenner graduation ceremony in June of each year.

Nominations will be open until May 21, 2024

Please feel free to attach additional information i.e. resume, articles, and e-mail to

อีเมล *
Name of Nominator *
Contact Number and e-mail of Nominator *
Name of Nominee *
Contact number of Nominee *
E-mail address of Nominee *
Mailing Address of Nominee *
Dates/Years attended at Kenner (i.e. 2000-2004) *
Is Nominee a Graduate of Kenner? *
Nominee's Occupation *
Nominee's Career Path *
Nominee's Awards and Highlights of Accomplishments *
Nominee's Service Activities *
Other information you would like to share.
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