Breeder List Application
You may choose the contact information that you are comfortable publishing on the website. For example, you do not need to publish your phone number if you don't want that information to be posted publicly.
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Email *
Name(s) *
Kennel Name
Location (City & State)
ACC Member Since? (Provide year. We will compare this to ACC records. Please note if your membership lapsed we will publish the most recent "member since" date that is in our records.)
Owned Chesapeakes Since (Provide Year)
Breeding Chesapeakes Since? (Provide Year)
Phone Number
Email Address
Website URL
Social Media Account #1
You may provide links to up to 2 social media accounts that you maintain for your breeding program. (Ex: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) You must own and manage the account. We do not publish links to breeder advertisement websites. Please provide the first web address (URL) below.
Social Media Account #2
Please provide web address (URL) below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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