DMV NSBE, Jr 2021-22 Mentor Survey
Thank you for your interest in becoming a mentor with DMV NSBE, Jr for the 2021-22 Season.  Mentoring students in the STEM fields is crucial to reversing the achievement gap for African American students and others, like girls, who are under-served in STEM. Collegiate and Professional STEM Mentors are crucial assets to our NSBE, Jr. membership of future engineers, scientists, mathematicians & techies.  Partnering with mentors (like YOU) representative of fields across STEM & Non-STEM majors will ensure that our scholars see themselves in the majors & professions they wish to pursue; it will also open avenues to achievement for our young scientists. Your encouragement will help DMV NSBE, Jr scholars thrive in school - especially our girls who want to study math or the sciences.  Our goal is to create a program that will encourage the development of a meaningful ongoing relationship between each mentor and mentee.

THANK YOU for helping us change the face of STEM and working to fulfill the Mission of NSBE "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community."   So that we can best match the interests of mentors & mentees we need to know more about you, your interests and skills.  **Please visit the Elementary, Middle & HS Programs section of our website ( to learn more about the specific DMV NSBE, Jr program descriptions.  * Refer to the attached DMV NSBE, Jr. program schedule to see when mentors are needed.  
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Email *
Prospective Mentor Name *
College or University (Howard, GWU, UMD, UDC, etc) *
Preferred Email *
Cell Phone Number *
All DMV NSBE, Jr mentors & volunteers must undergo a Background Check (Pre-paid by you & then reimbursed by DMV NSBE, Jr). Have you already done a  Background Check via NSBE, Jr?  If Yes, include the date it was done; or No, I need to do one to volunteer.   *
Year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate) *
Major *Double-Majors may select more than 1 option. *
What is your major, if not listed above? *
What is Your Current GPA? *
Are you bilingual?  If so what language? *
Have you participated with us as a Mentor before? *
List all college &/or professional organizations (academic, social, fraternal, sorority) you are a member.  *This will have no preferential or adverse affect on your participation. *
Are you willing to attend all virtual Pre-Mentoring & In-Service Trainings?   Date TBD However you will have advanced notice. *
Please specify your areas of interest (check all that apply) *Refer to the program descriptions/videos on our website   *
In an effort to provide our families with high quality math tutoring & enrichment AND support our mentors who excel in math, DMV NSBE, Jr will facilitate a Math Tutoring Database. For a Nominal Fee families will hire a tutor from the Database. We would like to offer this opportunity to you.  Prospective Math Tutors must have a minimum 3.2 GPA in all math classes AND volunteer for at least one of our NSBE, Jr Teams/Programs.  Based on this criteria, would you be interested in being added to our Math Tutor Database?       *
If selected as a paid Math Tutor, what grade level(s) would you feel most comfortable working with? Consider the areas in math that you most enjoy & are confident explaining/teaching.  *Check all that apply. *
Typically, the math tutoring offered would take place on Saturday's or Sunday's virtually, at a Library or mutually convenient location, if in-person.  If selected as a Math Tutor, would you also be available to tutor during the week (4pm-7pm). *Note: Tutoring can also take place at or near your university campus or another location agreeable to both the parent/tutor.  **For your health and safety, we encourage all mentors to be vaccinated.  CDC Guidelines & Protocols MUST be followed at all times.   *
Would you be available to tutor at an off-campus location (Your University, local library, Starbucks, student's home) to be jointly determined by you & the parent? *Tutors must provide their own transportation to the agreed upon location. *
I understand that if selected as a Math Tutor, and included in the DMV NSBE, Jr Math Tutor Database, I am expected to: 1. Make schedule arrangements directly w/the Parent;  2. Provide math materials to use during my tutoring sessions;  3. Meet with my student at least 1hr each week (unless other arrangements are made w/the Parent); 4. Notify the Parent directly (minimum 24hrs notice) if I must cancel or reschedule our weekly session. [Note: Parents will be required to give 24hrs cancellation notice as well.]  5. Let parents know my midterm & finals schedule and non-availability.   DMV NSBE, Jr will assist in supporting your tutoring efforts (suggest resources). DMV NSBE, Jr will request that Parents provide student's math text/workbooks and other needed materials. Please enter your First & Last Name to complete this Mentor Survey and as your confirmation to the above expectations.   *
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