Beneath the Flood Launch Team Sign Up
Hello! Thanks for your interest in joining the launch team! My hope is that this will be a low pressure / high fun opportunity to help send my little poetry book out into the world. We'll have some giveaways and a virtual launch party too!

As a launch team member, you'll receive a free digital copy of the book. Read it, share about it, and consider sharing a review on Goodreads/Amazon/your favorite social media platform if you want. The book releases on May 2!

Fill out this form to let us know you're in. After submitting, you'll see links to the private Facebook group and Substack. From there, click the link you want and request to join! Launch team FAQ is here if you need it.
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Where do you want to participate? *
Finally, anything else we should know? Your social media links, places you might want to share, ways we can help, general questions.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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