Caretaker and Fleet Commander Survey
Under most circumstances, your name will not be shared with anyone, and your name will NEVER be shared with the Caretaker or Fleet Commander you are leaving a survey for. 

With that said, there are some instances where surveys will be shared with members of Horde Leadership for further investigation. If Horde Leadership requests your name so they may follow up with you personally, your name will be shared with them.

Let it be known that Atomic Pancake, Fim Asatru, and Rossonius Pun have access to the surveys. As a result, they have unrestricted access to your name.

If you have questions or concerns about the Caretaker program, you may reach out to any of the individuals above.
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What is your main character's name?
Who would you like to leave survey(s) for?
If the Caretaker was also the Fleet Commander of a PvP Caretaker fleet, you can select "The Caretaker" and fill out the survey accordingly. You can use "The Caretaker" for most Caretaker Fleets.

Only use "The Fleet Commander" if you are only looking to leave a survey for a Fleet Commander who was not running a Caretaker fleet.

"Both" should be used if you would like to leave two surveys. One for your Caretaker who was in Newbean Comms during a strat-op or home defense fleet, and one for a separate Fleet Commander who lead the fleet as a whole.

The Caretaker to leave a survey for the Caretaker and no-one else
The Fleet Commander to leave a survey for the Fleet Commander of a non-Caretaker Fleet and no-one else
Both to leave a survey for a Caretaker and a Fleet Commander of a PvP Fleet

On which date (EVE time) did you join the fleet you're leaving a survey for?
Approximately what time did you join the fleet? Please answer in EVE time (UTC).  *
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