Grit Clinics Private Lesson Info Form
Thanks for your interest in a private lesson from Grit Clinics! Please fill out the below form completely & accurately. We will use this form to assess your skill level & help set you up with a great coach in your area.
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What type of lesson are you interested in? *
If you are taking a private lesson, please choose the length of your lesson.
Would you like to book a series of 3 lessons upfront to maximize skill progression?
Book 3 or more lessons and your 3rd lesson is 20% off, subsequent lessons more than 3 are 10% off
Your First & Last Name *
If there are 2 people taking the private lesson, please list their name in parenthesis
Email Address *
If there are 2 people taking the private lesson, please list their email in parenthesis
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
List any allergies and/or medical conditions *
List any medications you are currently taking *
Full Mailing Address (include city, state, zip) *
Please tell us the location & timeframe you would like to book a lesson *
List date and location options where you would like to take a private lesson. Specific mountain bike areas in your town or nearby trails that you'd be willing to drive to are helpful. If we have a coach in your area, our standard rates will apply. Otherwise, we will happily provide you a quote to bring a coach to you.
What level rider do you consider yourself? *
What skills do you hope to gain/improve during the clinic? (You may choose several) *
How long have you been mountain biking? *
In your own words, how would you describe your riding? *
Consider your personality, riding style, approach, history, skills, etc. and evaluate your riding.
Please briefly describe your fitness level as it relates to mountain biking or exercise in general. *
Have you had any previous mountain bike instruction? *
Please list or briefly describe any mountain bike clinics, lessons, or instruction you've received and when.
How did you hear about Grit Clinics? *
Please check all that apply.
If you would like to request a specific coach for your lesson or if there is anything else that you would like us to know, please write it here.
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