African Rhythms Interest List
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Spotlight on African Rhythms
African Rhythms, affectionately known as "AR", is a drum and dance troupe with a mission to represent the strength and beauty of African culture. Established in 1993 by College of Arts and Sciences senior Raqiba Sealy, the company serves to educate and entertain the University of Pennsylvania and surrounding community through the richness and diversity of the black cultural experience. Ultimately, the group aims to perform dances from Africa and the African Diaspora, specifically: West Africa, the Caribbean, and South America.

This semester, AR operates as a weekly open class series, led by professional dance and drumming instructors, and open to anyone and everyone! Classes, workshops, and social events will be subsidized and organized by the staff at Platt Student Performing Arts House. We look forward to spending this time exploring, brainstorming, and getting to know each other, until we regain enough momentum to start operating as a fully student-run club under the Performing Arts Council.

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