Planning for 2023: 42DM marketing research

Hi amazing tech executives & marketing specialists!

2023 seems like a challenging year for many tech businesses. We want to make sure that every tech company knows what to expect and how to strategically plan growth in 2023.

That is why we kindly ask you to fill in this little questionnaire. We are aiming to have 100+ participants. Based on this research, we will create tech growth benchmarks report and provide you with insights on effectively planning your marketing activities for 2023.

Let's grow together!
42DM team 
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Business name *
Contact for response results
What are your business & marketing goals for 2022?
Have you achieved business & marketing goals YTD? *
What were your best performing marketing approaches & channels in 2022 ? *
What obstacles have you faced in reaching your goals YTD ? *
What are your expectations for 2023 ? *
What are your marketing budget expectations for 2023 *
Which marketing activities do you plan to continue in 2023 ? *
What do you want to start doing in 2023 that you haven't done before? *
What is marketing for your business? *
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