LDN RIDERS Taster Ride Registration Form
DATE: Sunday 21 January 2024

RIDE: Female, Transgender & Non-Binary 'Epic Epping' Bike Ride

Escape the city with this flat 32km Social Ride out to Epping and back! Starting at Fink's Pump House coffee stand in Clissold Park, the route (mostly on cycle lanes) takes us through Hackney and Walthamstow and up to leafy Epping Forrest where we'll stop for a coffee before heading back to Clissold Park.

RIDE CAPTAINS: Silvi Vargas (she/her) & Farrah Herbert (??/??) 

MEETFink's Pump House coffee, The Pump House, Clissold Park Mansions, N16 9DJ

TIME: 08:45 for 09:00 start

DISTANCE: 30-35 kms

DURATION: Approx 1.5 hours followed by coffee

Before participating in the club ride, I ensure that:
- I am able to ride a minimum distance of 20 km
- I have full understanding of the highway code (and will abide by it)
- I accept that LDN RIDERS, whilst endeavouring to be of assistance to me in as much as possible, cannot be held responsible for my welfare or safety at events, club rides or social events.




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Are you already a member of a cycling club? *
Do you have experience cycling in a group? *
Please list any medical concerns we should know about in the case of an emergency. These will be kept strictly confidential.
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