RISC-V Ambassador Application
RISC-V Ambassadors are individuals who are passionate about RISC-V and dedicated to growing and engaging the RISC-V community. They are the experts in the community and work together with RISC-V International to help drive our global momentum and adoption of RISC-V technologies.

The Role of the RISC-V Ambassador
* Be a go-to resource for people interested in RISC-V
* Help the local community learn more about RISC-V.
* Represent the community publicly.

Requirements for a RISC-V Ambassador:

*Currently engaged in the RISC-V community as a contributor, blogger, speaker, etc.
*Host a local RISC-V community event (Meetup)
*Affiliated with an organizational member of RISC-V International at the Premier, Strategic, or Community level
*Willing to either speak at community events OR contribute technical content such as blog post, video tutorial, training module, etc.
*Support RISC-V at events as an evangelist and sharing RISC-V information

Mailadresse *
First & Last Name *
Email address *
Location: City, State, Country *
Name of the organization you work for *
Job title *
Is your organization a RISC-V Member? *
Please add a few sentences about yourself *
What areas of RISC-V are you knowledgeable in? *
What qualifies you to be a RISC-V Ambassador? *
What Task Groups do you participate in?https://lists.riscv.org/g/main *
List contributions to the technical task groups you are a part of:
Do you currently manage a RISC-V MeetUp or Community Group? Please provide a link to the group you manage *
Please provide links to any recorded talks or list the event and talk titles for RISC-V related talks you have done. Provide links to blog posts you have done specific to RISC-V. *
Please provide a link to your LinkedIn profile, or enter none *
Please provide a link to your Github account, or enter none *
Please provide your Twitter handle, or enter none *
As an Ambassador, I would like to pursue: *
I am interested in getting occasional updates from RISC-V *
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