FORRT organization participants agree to follow the FORRT code of conduct (here: As stated in the code, participants may report any violations of the code to any member of the FORRT code of conduct committee (Kimberly Quinn; Leticia Micheli, or Sam Parsons).
You may also report electronically and anonymously, using this form. The people receiving these reports for 2020 are the people at (Steering Committee), and as stated in the code, upon receiving a report, we pass the report on to the code of conduct committee, who will decide on appropriate action.
Please know that anonymous reports will be investigated and remedied to the extent possible, but we may be limited in the scope of available actions due to not being able to follow up with you.
Regardless, we encourage you to report (either here, or to a member of the code of conduct committee, steering committee) so that we can continue to work to make the FORRT a productive and harassment-free experience for everyone.