Is Your Partner Toxic or Dangerous?
Have you wondered if your partner is toxic, maybe even dangerous? Find out with this short survey. 

Watch your email for two letters: 1. a copy of your responses to these questions (please keep this handy so you can use it to get more detailed results), and 2. a follow-up letter with an advanced scoring system and an interpretation of your scores. 

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1. Has your partner ever confided that they used to set fires or harm animals as a kid?

1 point

2. Does this person dominate the conversation, making it difficult for you to get a word in edgewise?

1 point

3. Does your partner show emotional pain or regret when there’s no psychological advantage, like trying to gain your sympathy or to avoid a consequence?

1 point

4. Does your partner often display rapid mood shifts that appear childish or immature?

1 point

5. Does your partner use retaliation to punish you?

1 point

6. Does your partner crave and seek public attention?

1 point

7. Has your partner ever hit you or threatened to hurt you?

1 point

8. Does your partner make self-initiated efforts to repair damaged relationships, not just with you but also with co-workers, children, friends, and other family members?

1 point

9. Does this individual have a history of violence?

1 point

10. Do you often feel like your partner’s sidekick, whereas he/she is the superhero?

1 point

11. Does this person vacillate between telling you are the best to accusing you of not doing anything right?

1 point

12. Does your partner display a ruthless callousness towards others?

1 point

13. Does your partner hold themselves accountable without outside reminders or resentment?

1 point

14. Are you keeping secrets about how bad things are from your friends or family?

1 point

15. Is this relationship built on neediness or insecurity? For example, do you regularly hear your partner say he/she wouldn’t know what he/she would do without you?

1 point

16. Does your partner control your access to food, when you eat, your social activities and friendships, access to money, your sleep or work schedule, and the timing or frequency of sexual intimacy?

1 point

17. Does this person see themselves as special and entitled to perks and favors?

1 point

18. Does your partner's gift-giving feel like a grand gesture?

1 point

19. Does this person panic if you mention or even threaten to break up with them?

1 point

20. Does this individual treat rules as optional because they’re superior to others?

1 point

21. Does your partner show spontaneous and private grief or remorse over past behavior?

1 point

22. Do you find yourself feeling afraid of this individual?

1 point

23. When you met your partner, do you think you were tested for cooperativeness or malleableness?

1 point

24. Do you worry if you were to confide in others about your partner that, you’d look crazy?

1 point
25. Has there been any prolonged improvement in your partner’s behavior around a troubling habit?
1 point

26. Are you doing less with your friends and other family members?

1 point

27. Do you act like this person’s biggest fan?

1 point
Please provide today's date. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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