Rise Up with Jesus
This form is no longer accepting responses. If you are still interested in VBS, please let us know via email: promotions@mzls.org. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 13th - Thursday, July 15th - 9-11am
at Morrison Zion Lutheran School
7373 County Road W Greenleaf, WI 54216

-Ages 3 years old (toilet-trained) - entering 6th grade

In-Person at Morrison Zion Lutheran School
7373 County Rd W Greenleaf, WI 54126

**Each child will need a separate form filled out**

-Free event open to the public!
-Learn about Jesus our Savior through Bible stories!
-Meet new friends!
-Do fun activities - sing great songs, play games, eat snacks, and more!

Cleaning and sanitation will take place throughout the event.
Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the school to use if desired.
Hand washing will occur before and after snack.

Here are two additional things to note:

1. Registration/Sign-In starts at 8:45 a.m. We encourage you to be here by this time, if possible, so we can have everyone checked in and ready for the opening devotion and songs that start at 9 a.m. Thank you!

2. It is custom for us at our VBS event to collect a donation/offering for a mission.
This year, we will be collecting donations (food or monetary) for the Morrison Zion Lutheran Church food pantry. They are blessed to be serving the people in our community! Donations can be brought any day of VBS.

--Here is a list of items that are needed the most: juice, mac & cheese, cereal, breakfast bars, black beans, pinto beans, corn, canned fruit, baking items, ketchup, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, laundry detergent, Kleenex, and toilet paper
--Please make sure items are not expired before donating
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