Get Involved with BH Futures Foundation as a Professional
Thank you for expressing your interest in becoming more involved with the BH Futures Foundation as a professional.

You have several options for contributing to the development of the next generation of change-makers.

To get started, please complete this form and let us learn more about you and your preferred ways of getting involved.

Our teams gather in the second week of each month to review your expressions of interest and will reach out to you based on your preferences. In exceptional cases, we may contact you more frequently if we are actively seeking mentors, speakers, hosts, or other roles at that time.

**Please rest assured that we take your personal data seriously and only share it with relevant staff and volunteers who are bound by a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA).**

We appreciate your commitment to our mission.

NOTA BENE: Our review team will be on a break until the end of December 2023. Throughout this period, we will not be able to schedule any online meetings. However, we encourage you to fill in the form during this time, and you can expect to receive our feedback around mid of January 2024.

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Name and Last Name *
Email Address
Country and City of Your Current Residence *
Your Company OR Organization
We would appreciate if you could provide a link to the official website, as well.
Industry you work in *
Your current job position(s) *
Your areas of expertise
Topics you are professionally interested in.
Your LinkedIn profile
Please, provide a link.
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