Car Lockout Assessment
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First and Last Name *
1 What is the first step when approaching a locked vehicle for a lockout? *
1 point
2 Why is it important to identify the type of locking system in the vehicle during the initial assessment? *
1 point
3 When assessing a car lockout situation, what should you check for in and around the vehicle? *
1 point
4 What tool is commonly used to create a gap between the door and frame during a car lockout? *
1 point
5 How should you handle electronic door locks during a car lockout? *
1 point
6 Why is a hook tool useful during a car lockout? *
1 point
7 Why should you check for visible signs of alarm systems or security cameras before attempting a car lockout? *
1 point
8 What should you do if a customer questions the legality of your lockout services? *
1 point
9 What is an essential step before attempting a car lockout? *
1 point
10 How should you handle a car with tinted windows during a lockout? *
1 point
11 What should you do if the lockout tools fail to unlock the vehicle after multiple attempts? *
1 point
12 How can you minimize the risk of damaging the vehicle's paint during a lockout attempt? *
1 point
13 What should you do if you accidentally trigger the vehicle's alarm during a lockout attempt? *
1 point
14 Why is it important to carry a fire extinguisher when performing lockouts? *
1 point
15 How should you communicate with the vehicle owner during a lockout situation? *
1 point
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