Event feedback
Thank you for attending in our event. We hope you had as much fun attending as we did organizing it.

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts!

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How did you first hear about us? *
Which of our events have you been to? *
If you haven't been to one of our events yet, why not? 
How satisfied were you with the event? (Launch Party)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (AD: Round 2)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (Anime Boat Party)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (Entertainment District pt1)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (Anime Halloween Party)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (AD x Brum)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (Entertainment District pt2)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (AD X LSE)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (AD Anniversary Party)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (Views & Vibes)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (Anime Silent Disco)
Not very
Very much
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How satisfied were you with the event? (Anime Boat Party pt2)
Not very
Very much
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What were some things you enjoyed the most about our events?
What were some things you weren't satisfied with or thought could've been done better?
Rate these from 1-5 (if you haven't been just click n/a) *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Welcome staff
What are some things you would like to see at future events?
Any additional feedback or comments regarding the events themselves
Any overall feedback about Anime District as a whole
Name (optional)
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