Checkpoint Quiz: Test Your Japanese 4 Knowledge!
Let's test your understanding of the grammar concepts introduced in our Japanese 4 Course. It will help you determine whether you need to take (or repeat) the course.

There are 7 Multiple-Choice Questions.
NOTE: Romaji is not used in this placement test.
  • 7 Points (Perfect Score!) → You are ready for the next level! Try Japanese 5 Quiz. 
  • 1-6 Points → You can start with Japanese 4. 

Japanese 4 

Other Quizzes: 

Let's begin. がんばってください!(Good luck)!

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Q1: What’s the TE Form of the verb いく “to go”?

1 point

Q2: What does this sentence mean? あとでメールしてもいいですか。

1 point

Q3: How do you say this? “Every day, I wake up at 6:00 and do yoga.”

1 point

Q4: How do you say this? “I live in Tokyo with my family.”

1 point

Q5: Your co-worker asks you: もうあたらしいマネージャーにあいましたか。 

How do you respond, “Not yet.”

1 point

Q6: What does this sentence mean? なっとうをたべてみます。

1 point

Q7: How do you say this to your partner? “I’m sorry I forgot our anniversary.”

1 point
Clear form
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