Lead Designer Questionnaire
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Name *
Email *
City/State/Country *
Briefly describe your experience that makes you the perfect candidate for this role *
What quality stands out when your best clients talk about you? *
Please link to your resume or LinkedIn profile (Please make sure you adjust your share settings so we can see it). *
Upload your resume to Google Drive or Dropbox (or similar) and share the link with us.
Please link to your portfolio (if you have one).
Please record a short video (2 minutes or less) introducing yourself. Tell us one thing you're most proud of work-wise, and one thing you're most proud of outside of work. Paste the link to your video here. *
Loom.com is a free way to record a video on your computer and generate a link to paste in here. Another option is to upload a video file to Drive or Dropbox and share the link here.  
Tell us how you heard about this position opening. *
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