2023 Holiday Ornament Exchange!
A seasonal tradition, sign up to be part of the All Souls Holiday Ornament Exchange. How it works:

Between December 1 and December 20, individuals/families/households who sign up will be matched up with another household. Each household will create an ornament for the other and arrange a date/time to meet and exchange, or to mail the ornaments to one another. 

Ornaments must be mailed, or an exchange meet up arranged, by December 20th to allow time for the package to arrive. 

Households will be matched up based on responses on this form below. Households may also opt to be matched up more than once! 

This is an opportunity for our congregation of all ages, near and far, to share the joy of the season with one another!

If you need help, reach out to Rose Eaton, Membership & Communications Manager: REaton@allsouls.ws
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Names of all persons in your household who will participate (please list ages of any children): *
Phone number (only shared with the household you are matched with): *
Would you like to be matched with more than one household, if needed? *
Would you prefer to meet in person or to mail ornaments? *
If you would like to mail ornaments, please list your address here (it will only be shared with the other household you are matched with):
Any questions?
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