Educator 2019-20 Gifted & Talented Program Evaluation Survey
This survey is required annually as a part of the gifted and talented regulation (704 KAR 3:285).
Your input for future program improvements are important as we continue to improve gifted
and talented programming in our schools.
E-mail *
Our focus this year:
This year, we focused on identifying students who qualify to receive gifted and talented services past the initial fourth grade testing. This stretched identification from the primary talent pool to GT in high school in areas ranging from academic achievement to the arts. We are structuring services to better meet the needs of students. This looks different in elementary and middle school than it does the Knight Academy and High School. Students in grades 8-12 will receive services based upon their identified gifted area, leadership, AP, and ACT prep, which is based more upon their course load.
Learning Opportunities for Teachers
Several professional learning sessions were provided for teachers to better inform them of the identification process for both the Primary Talent Pool and Gifted and Talented. Teachers were reintroduced to the different areas of identification and the process for referral. Teachers have worked together throughout the year to provide enrichment for their identified students to ensure they make continuous progress it the classroom.
Learning Opportunities for Parents
We offered two DUKE Talent Search Parent Nights for parents that were interested in learning more about DUKE
talent search. Additionally, parents applied for scholarships for their children to participate in DUKE tip
programming. We started a Facebook page, Remind notifications, and have enhanced our district website to better inform our parents of programs while also providing different resources.
Advanced Learning Opportunities
13 of our 7th graders took the ACT college prep test as part of the Duke Tip program. Many participated in after-school sessions to prepare for the test. High school students were also offered Cafe Chats where they met with Mrs. Followell to meet with community professionals, and study leadership.
Name *
Email Address (if you wish to be contacted regarding your responses.)
School affiliation (if multiple schools, please check all that apply): * *
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