One 2 One Consultation Form
Would you like your questions answered around your own unique shift work schedule, social life, home life to optimise it for your health?

Learn how to Thrive, not just Survive, in your working, home and social life.

You may not think you require ongoing 1:1 coaching but would like assistance with any of the following,

1.    Shiftwork
2.    General Nutrition
3.    Supplementation
4.    Performance Nutrition
5.    PCOS
6.    Disordered Eating

Would you like me to calculate your custom MACROs for you from an evidence based perspective?

Then I invite you to complete this form and let's talk about it.

Once you have completed this form you will be presented with a link to my calendar to book a 1:1 Consultation Session to answer those burning questions you may have around your own personal health and wellbeing.  

So, let's get to it.

1.     Complete this Form
2.     Upon submission follow the link to book a Consultation Meeting
3.     During the Consultation Meeting I will answer your questions for you.

If you have any questions at all, send me an e-mail:

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Email *
First name *
Last name *
What is your age? *
Gender *
What is your Phone/WhatsApp number? *
How did you discover "A Healthy Shift"? *
Introduce yourself.  Tell me about you. *
What questions would you like answered? *
What is the biggest problem/roadblock that I can help with at the moment? Please be specific *
What is your occupation? *
Are you a Shift Worker? *
If you answered Yes to above.   What is your biggest struggle with shift-work?
Do you have any diagnosed medical condition? *
If you answered "Yes" above, please expand and include any medications you are taking.
Please describe your current nutrition/diet. (Please include everything relevant - eg have you tracked your food before? what are your current macros? do you follow a specific diet?    Are you rigid/set in that diet?) *
What have you done in the past that HAS WORKED well for you (Training/Nutrition/Generally) *
What have you done in the past that HAS NOT WORKED well for you. (Training/Nutrition/Generally) *
Do you suffer from an Eating Disorder? *
If you answered "Yes" or "Maybe" above, and if you feel comfortable, could you please elaborate. *
Do you have a regular cycle?
Clear selection
Thinking about the week before or week of your cycle.  How do you feel? (Be as detailed as possible please)
Are you using any supplements at all? (Please List) *
How would you describe your daily energy levels? *
What is your sleep like? How many hours of sleep would you tend to get on average per night? *
Do you suffer from stress? *
Once you submit this form, on the next page will be a link to my calendar.

Book a session at a time and day that is convenient to you where we can speak to each other via a video meeting without distraction.

I will then email you direct to ask for any elaboration if needed.
This helps me to be efficient during the time you have paid for.

At the time of booking you will be charged for a minimum of 1hr at AUD$199.

If the meeting goes less that 60 minutes you will be refunded pro-rata in 15 minute blocks.

If the meeting goes over an hour, you will be invoiced pro-rata in 15 minute blocks of AUD$49.75.
I will advise you during the meeting if this looks likely to occur.

The meeting will answer your questions unique to your own environment.   
Not generic.
You will have access to me for a minimum of 1 hour where we can discuss evidence based strategies having regard to your own unique circumstances.

I make the meeting relaxed and fun and you will not feel pressured at all.

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