Pride Month Screenings and Discussions: Coming Out: A 50-Year History

America House celebrates Pride Month through a series of movie screenings about LGBT+ History. This time we are going to watch and discuss “Coming Our: A 50 Year History: The History of the Public Gay Identity ''.
Transgender teen, Jazz Jennings, narrates this documentary where young people interview a host of LGBTQ elders who came out in different historical eras from the 1950s through today. 

These inspiring talks give insight into the political and personal changes that shaped the modern LGBTQ movement. The young interviewers get an opportunity to compare and contrast their "coming out" experience with people who came out during McCarthy, Civil Rights, post-Stonewall, and AIDS eras. In the end, they learn that every generation of activists stands on the shoulders of those who came before and that activism needs to continue even in the light of great social strides.  

Audience: students 16+

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(27 Banulescu Bodoni St.)
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