RSVP to Prospective Camper Meet-ups in 2024!
Camp Arcadia is excited to host prospective campers and/or their families to learn more about our unique summer camp experience in Maine.  Whether you are joining us via Zoom or in-person, we are thrilled to meet you and share more about Arcadia!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parent/Caregiver Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Address *
Email Address (We will send you additional details information about the gatherings you RSVP for via email.) *
Which Prospective Camper Meet-up will you be attending?  *
You are more than welcome to attend more than one event!  Please select all dates that you plan to attend.
Prospective Camper Name *
Prospective Camper Current Grade  *
How did you hear about Camp Arcadia? *
What are you looking for in a summer camp for your daughter?
I am an alum bringing a prospective camper. The years I attended Arcadia are...
Is there anything else you would like to share with the planners of these event(s) to ensure you have a great experience?  (questions, additional attendees, etc.)
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