Second Mind the Gap Workshop Application
The 2nd Mind the Gap workshop will be held June 15-17, 2022, at the University at Albany in Albany, NY There will also be a handful virtual workshop prep meetings leading to in-person meeting.

We hope we can accommodate everyone who applies to join us!  

We can support (airfare/meals/hotel) about 70 participants representing people in academia, the private sector, students, early career, public sectors, etc. If you want to participate, let us know by filling out this form by February 10, 2022.
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About this workshop
In many meteorology and atmospheric science programs, students interested in private sector careers experience a gap between the curricular examples and pedagogical tools they see, and the skills/background needed for employment. The 2019 NSF-sponsored workshop titled “Mind the Gap” developed a set of recommendations to address this gap. One key recommendation was to develop pedagogical tools or modules that could be implemented in preexisting atmospheric science core courses to be designed in partnership with relevant private and academic sector representatives and to be integrated into existing course syllabi, preferentially in core courses identified by the AMS standards.

This workshop will facilitate collaboration between academia and the private sector to develop pedagogical modules, tools, and datasets to promote future innovations within the weather, water, and climate enterprise. Specifically, this workshop will focus on undergraduate education, but might be suitable for cross listed undergraduate/graduate level coursework.

Want more workshop information, visit: 
Organizing Committee
If you have any questions please reach out to the organizing committee:

Stephen Bennett, Demex Group,
Heidi Centola, IBM,
Dr. Victor Gensini, Northern Illinois University,
Dr. Sue Ellen Haupt, NCAR,
Dr. Andrea Lopez Lang, University at Albany, SUNY,
Max Vido, ACES,

This workshop is supported by NSF Award #2146763
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