Graduate Students,
We know your scholarship matters and we want to work with you to showcase it!

Simply enter your student information and add your Video/Audio 4-7 minutes (share your YouTube link). We will match this with your registration information already submitted to us.  

All submissions must be posted by noon on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. For more information or any questions you may have, see our website at or contact Laura Drew at
Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Correo electrónico *
Presenter 1  - Student ID: *
Presenter 1 - First Name (If a group, just enter Presenter 1 info): *
Presenter 2 - Last Name: *
I/we need to make changes to my/our Showcase Title (at most 130 character) If no changes are required, just put N/A:
I/we need to make changes to my/our Showcase Abstract (at most 150 words) If no changes are required, just put N/A:
Provide us your YouTube video link (4-7 minutes in length). Please make sure your submission is available for public viewing.
Se enviará un correo electrónico con una copia de tus respuestas a la dirección que suministraste.
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