Anchor Church Palos Benevolence Application
Please be advised that only Anchor Church Palos regular attenders and members will receive an interview following the submission of this application. If you do not have an attendance record at Anchor Church we will dismiss the application unless otherwise approved by the Board of Deacons.
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Date *
Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Work Number
Spouse Work Phone Number
Email *
Marital Status *
Please list all persons in your household, include self and age. Name and address please *
Please list family or relatives in the immediate area. *
How many times per month do you attend Anchor Church? *
When did you begin attending Anchor Church? *
Are you a member of Anchor Church? *
Church activities involved in? *
Previous church attended? *
Do you consider yourself a Christian? Please explain. *
Current employer
Employer address *
How long? *
Previous employer.
How long?
Type of work/skills qualified to perform? *
Spouse's employment
Current employer
Employer address
How long?
Previous employer.
How long?
Type of work/skills qualified to perform? *
Monthly income/expense report
Income/wages per month
Hours worked per week? *
Total monthly income. *
Rent. *
Mortgage. *
Real estate taxes *
Transportation (payments, gas, insurance) *
Food. *
Utilities (phone, gas, electric, water). *
Other. *
Total credit card debt. *
Total outstanding car debt. *
Total outstanding medical debt. *
Other loans. *
Are you receiving financial support from anyone now? *
If yes, from whom? *
Please identify specific need in these areas.
Prayer requests.
Food pantry *
Specific financial need. *
Please answer the following questions.
What were the events that led up to this situation?
What other options have you pursued to resolve this problem? *
In what ways is your family willing to provide assistance? *
What steps or goals do you have to achieve financial stability? *
Please list the detailed steps that are in place to reach these goals. *
What assistance have you received from other churches? *
Will you agree to attend any financial courses offered by ACP (this may be required)? *
Please list 2 references who can confirm your need (e.g. small group leader, church staff person, a regular Anchor Church attendee or member, neighbor, family member).  *
Name, number and relationship *
Name, number, and relationship *
Please read and sign the following agreement.

I (we) understand the Anchor Church Palos (ACP) and its counselor assigned to me will attempt to assist me with planning a course of action for myself and ACP and its counselors make no representations or warranties with respect to the results or help provided to me. This assistance is provided without charge or obligation unless any funds provided are specifically designated as a loan. I (we) further agree to hold harmless ACP and its counselors, volunteers, employers, officers, elders and deacons from any claim, suit, action, demand or liability of any kind arising out of or in any manner connected with my (our) participation in or receipt of this assistance.

Date *
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