What Oils Do I need?? Health & Vitality Assessment
Fill out the quick quiz below to find out what natural solutions would be right for you. I'll email you your results! Should you have questions at any point please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally: 714-200-7006 (call or text ok)
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Natural Health & Wellness by Reija Eden- AADP Certified Essential Oil & Health Coach
First and Last Name *
Email or Phone # to send you your results *
My sleep is satisfying and I awake feeling rested. *
I live my life free of chronic aches & pains *
I have a strong immune system and I resist getting sick *
I am emotionally balanced and not stressed or anxious *
I have energy and vitality through the day *
My mental focus and memory are quick and sharp *
My hair skin & nails are healthy and beautiful *
What are your primary health concerns? *
Are there other lifestyle changes from below that you feel like would support you in reaching your health goals? *
Have you used essential oils before? *
If yes, what kind and how did you use them?
Do you already have a dōTERRA membership? *
Are there any topics from below that you are interested in learning more about?
Is there anything else you want me to know about your health priorities or goals?
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