GBLZ New Member Application
This is the Application for Membership for the The Green Building Learning Zone.   We are an ad-hoc volunteer, event-based coalition of like-minded green building geeks that like to learn, connect, and educate each others and consumers about making better buildings.  Our main event is a giant education zone at the National Home Show.  
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Correo *
Name *
Company/Organization *
Phone number *
How is your business related to sustainable building? *
Acknowledgement: I recognize that there is a gap in consumer knowledge about best practice.  I also see a growing interest  in better building from others in our industry.  I understand the importance of encouraging and disseminating best practice.  *
GBLZ Manifesto: by applying to the GBLZ booth you agree that a sustainable building should be:

a) Affordable to build, buy and operate

b) Very energy efficient

c) Made with materials that have low embodied carbon and minimal waste

d) Healthy, comfortable and promotes the well-being of the occupants

e) Resilient, beautiful, accessible, connected to community

GBLZ commitment  *
Any comments/questions?
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