Register your interest in The Magic of Kink 
Thank you for your interest in joining me for The Magic of Kink programme. I'm really excited for us to go on this journey together! 

The purpose of this form is for you to share information with me that may be relevant for our time together. I will use the information you provide to better understand what you might want to get from this programme and to plan it in a way that maximises learning and enjoyment!

Once I've received your form, I will be in touch to confirm your place and plan our sessions.

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Email *
What is your name? *
What pronouns do you use? *
In two sentences or less, what is motivating you to join this programme? *
What is your biggest concern about joining this programme? *
How would you describe your current level of experience and knowledge around kink?  *
Please rate the following statements in terms of how you feel at present  *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I do not wish to answer this
I feel very in tune with my desires
I am able to express my desires clearly
I am able to express my boundaries clearly
I have agency over what happens to me
I have the ability to impact others or influence change in my life
I am satisfied with the amount and quality of physical intimacy in my life
Is there anything else you'd like me to know about you in advance that may help you to make the most of this programme? For example, do you have any health conditions, accessibility needs, or trauma that you feel might affect our work together? If you would prefer to have that conversation over the phone, please make a note of that here. *
I have included below the agreements that I am suggesting we have in place for this programme. I am sharing these now so that you have time to reflect on them and decide whether you feel fully in your willingness to participate. 
I agree
I don't agree
I have some questions or concerns around this
You will be fully in choice throughout around HOW you participate in the exercises I suggest, and I strongly encourage you to communicate with me throughout our work if you need clarification, adjustments, or wish to provide feedback.
This is not a comprehensive technical training or therapy. It is an exploration into whether kink could be beneficial to you.
I invite you to lean with curiosity into some "comfortable discomfort" around your learning edges when you feel resourced to but not to push yourself into overwhelm.
POWER in itself is a big topic. It is possible that participating in this programme will stir things up for you. I am here to support you, and I also recommend that you consider the support networks you have in place around you should you need additional professional support e.g. counselling to work through things that come up.
Is there anything you'd like to reflect here with regards to the programme agreements? 
What days and times work best for you, typically, for us to have our calls (e.g. Monday evenings after 6 pm)? Please note here your location/time zone if you are not UK based, plus whether you prefer weekly or fortnightly sessions. 
I will be sending an invoice to you for the programme fee. Please add your name and address below as you'd like them to appear on your invoice. This will be sent to you by email only. 
If you need this to NOT mention kink, please also note this here and I can use more generic wording such as "Personal coaching programme"
Thank you for taking the time to complete this. I will be in touch to let you know if we might benefit from having an introductory call before the programme begins. You can also contact me directly at if you have any questions. 
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