Identity Release Tour Sign-Ups

Hey everyone! With the upcoming release of my novel, Identity, I decided that it would be a good idea to get a release tour together before I run out of time. So I want to invite all of you to participate in the tour! Whether you’re a blogger, a social-media poster, or just a person with a ton of friends, I would love your help spreading the word about my book.

Just fill out the form below, and I'll add you to my list! (NOTE: not everyone who signs up may be able to be accepted. If you sign up, I will send out an email in the next couple of weeks with a game plan for the tour. If you don't receive this email, then you may assume that you have not been selected.)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
What is your email address?
Link to your blog? *
What things would you be interested in posting for the release tour? *
What date(s) would work best for you to post? *
Finally, do you have any questions or comments?
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