6/7/8 Soccer Registration

GENERAL: As an athletic department we are moving towards a paperless system to enroll in after school sports. Please read through and fill out the registration form in place of the traditional paper sign up.

MEDICAL RELEASE FORM: Recognizing that as a result of participation, medical treatment on an emergency basis may be necessary and that school personnel may be unable to contact me for my consent for emergency medical care; I do hereby consent in advance to such emergency care, including hospital care, as may be deemed necessary under the existing circumstances. I realize no amount of reasonable supervision or training can eliminate all the dangers of athletic participation and that my child may suffer serious injury as a result of participation in athletic events. Notwithstanding this possibility, and with full knowledge and understanding of the risk of serious injury to my son/daughter as a result of athletic participation, I give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in all sports.

ATHLETIC FEES: Each sport has a participation fee. These fees go toward helping pay for game officials, transportation, gym & field rentals, coach stipends, tournament and event fees, etc. While the participation fees do not cover all of the above listed items, they do cover a portion of them. The participation fee for 6/7/8 soccer is $100 If this is an issue please speak with Mrs. Irvine.

Please make checks payable to: Tualatin Valley Academy

Payment must be made before any student/athlete may receive their uniform. Payments need to be given to the office or to Mrs. Irvine at the parent meeting.

PARENT PARTICIPATION: Parents may be asked to provide assistance as needed. Participation may include, but is not limited to, areas such as a scorekeeper, timekeeper, line-person, concession sales, gate admission, locker room monitor, announcer, set up and clean up, transportation, etc. Participation may be credited towards your service hours. Participation reduces expenses for our athletic program and we appreciate everyone’s help.

MEDIA RELEASE: Unless noted on the student’s school profile, athletes may be photographed and/or have their name used in Tualatin Valley Academy’s publications and website.

MEDICAL INSURANCE: Medical insurance is required for all students participating in school athletics. It is understood that Tualatin Valley Academy is not liable for any medical, dental, or hospital bills occurring as a result of athletic injuries incurred by a student while participating in a supervised sport, and that such bills, in excess of insurance benefits, shall be the responsibility of the student's parents and guardians. Tualatin Valley Academy requires that all athletes be covered under a private policy. 

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Student's Name *
Parent or Guardian's Name *
Parent or Guardian's Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact's Phone Number *

By typing your name here you are agreeing to have read all of the above information and agree to abide by the guidelines provided.

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