Calendar Event Submission Form
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Email *
Submitted by *
Your name will not be publicized on the calendar, but if I have a question, I need to be able to contact you.
Event Title *
Event/Exhibition/Demonstration/Meeting/Lecture or any Lace Related Activity
Is this a Virtual Event? *
Chapter or Group Name *
Region *
Event Start Date *
Event End Date
Event Start Time *
Event End Time *
Event Time Zone *
Is this a recurring event? If dates are not sequential or do not have a repeating pattern, enter the dates here.
For example - the third Saturday of each month
City & State (actual location of event) *
Event Description, INCLUDING contact information (As this might be different from person submitting this form, please include this information.) If event is  VIRTUAL, please indicate and include contact email. *
This information will be publicly posted on the event description.
Event Cost
Additional Information
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.  Please check that you included the  contact information above in the Event Description Section .
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