r/IndiaSciTalk Mod Application
This questionnaire is designed to help us assess your skills and experience as a moderator for a subreddit which deals with Indian Science and aims for making it better. We are looking for moderators who are passionate about helping others, who are knowledgeable and who are able to handle difficult situations with grace and professionalism.
Email *
What's your Reddit username? *
Example: u/LateMonk4478
How old is your Reddit account? *
What is your Timezone? *
Do you know Hindi?
What is your gender?
Are you willing to use Discord as a primary communication app for discussions related to the subreddit?
For moderating, please confirm what will be your device of choice:
Do you have any experience moderating a subreddit?
If so, what was/is the name of the subreddit, and what were/are your responsibilities?
If you don't have experience in moderation, Are you willing to complete:
Reddit Mod Certification 101 and 201?
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What motivated you to apply for the r/IndiaSciTalk moderator role specifically?
How familiar are you with our subreddit? *
How much time can you commit to moderating the subreddit every day? *
What are the problems with the sub?
How would you fix the said problems?
Moderators need to remain unbiased and objective in their decision-making. How would you ensure that your personal beliefs and biases do not affect your moderation actions? *
Some users may have recurring issues or conflicts on the subreddit. How would you handle repetitive or chronic rule-breaking behaviour? *
In your opinion, what actions or behaviours from users should result in warnings, post removals or bans? *
What makes you a suitable candidate for the moderator position? *
Tell us something about yourself (optional)
Thank you for your time and consideration, we will be in touch.
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