Interest Form- Spring 2024 
Thank you for your interest in our Spring 2024 offerings! In order to create a schedule of classes for our Artists, we'd like to hear from you! Classes are due to begin in January of 2024. 

While we may not be able to immediately offer the class you've requested or mentioned, we are taking an interest list! Please feel free to pass on this link to friends and family who may be interested. Classes and workshops require a 5 student minimum to make our schedule. 

Spread the word about Artist Lab and don't hesitate to RSVP! 
Email *
Name *
Email *
What classes, events, or areas of interes would you like to see at the Artist Lab?
What is the age of the participant? 
Any additional feedback or a comments you'd like to share? If you have an instructor referral please mention them here! 
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