Job Application for Assistant Organizer
Apply to work as an Assistant Organizer for Sage Organizing Co., LLC in Charlotte, North Carolina. This position provides intermittent work and cannot guarantee hours.
Email *
First and Last Name *
Address  *
Phone Number *
Do you have any professional training in the organizing field? *
If yes, specify the training that you have.
Have you ever been paid to organize? *
How many years of organizing work experience do you have?  Please include both paid and unpaid experience.
Do you already have an organizing business? *
If yes, what is the name of your business?
Are you interested in starting your own organizing business in the future? *
How would you rate your experience and knowledge of home organizing?
 (1 being little experience/knowledge; 5 being extensive experience/knowledge)
In addition to organizing, Sage Organizing Co. regularly helps clients with move management.  Do you have any professional training in the move management field (e.g., packing and unpacking in connection with a client's move)?
If yes, specify the training that you have.
Sometimes this job involves working in some very cluttered environments with clients who, while always very nice, can be emotional at times and don't end up letting a lot of items go.  We also often work with elderly clients or clients going through life transitions.  Do you think you have the patience to handle this?
What life or work experience have you had that would help you handle these kinds of situations?
Why do you want to work as an assistant organizer for Sage Organizing Co.?
Which of the following do you have experience using? *
What do you consider to be your top 3 strengths? *
What do you consider to be your top 3 weaknesses? *
Please check all that apply: *
I understand that: *
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